Saturday, 11 December 2010

Sorry I've Been A While

HELLOOOO BLOGGEERRRSSS...... i know i have been away for too long (slaps my hand) and please accept my apology with my poem =] which was inspired by watching For Coloured Girls, but still comes from deep within my heart.. do Enjoy my sweet lil chicklets and chickens =] xxxxx

I see Me

by Yashi Woodburn

Her body is weary, frail and huddled over in the corner.

She watches as her skin begins to wrinkle and her once soft hair is brittle and falls to the ground.

Her eyes are black and soulless, only possessing the salty tears that fall down her bruised cheek.

It becomes hard for her to breathe, her lungs pierced by the fatality of the bullet from his gun.

Her heart aches barely able to pump the blood around her body.

What happened to the vibrant sun rays that blessed the soft cocoa of her skin?

Her eyes bright fluffy puppy dog brown, piercing stares of love infatuation lost.

Soft supple hips, smooth creases along her body, curvaceous vivacious, plump and ripe

Every man wanted a taste, and she had no problem is cutting of a slice of that nice, sweetness

Thrown down on her existence watching her body writhing in pleasure, so to speak defiled of her

Own bodily urges, her mind is filled with the coming orgasm, a scream gripping on the

Bed, his body on top of hers, that moment of sensuality, sexuality love and intimacy

She so very much craved , felt sickening to the stomach.

A creation of beauty a goddess of light and a gift of God

She can’t wait to roll out of her nightly comfort, to bathe the stench of her so called love.

Meanwhile he takes his clothes and leaves a tip on the table, worth nothing but a 50

Even though she stated her love was priceless. He pulls his wedding ring out of his pocket and home

To his wife he goes, shouting bye baby as he goes through her front door.

Baby, sexy, You, Her, Girl, Come here

Her daily compliments.

Laying in her boiling hot water infested with detol and the soft creamy soap to wash out all her blemishes

Cleanse her soul and her precious rose, so it is ripe again, ready to be plucked by yet another man

Stolen time after time, used over and over again, played like a bad record.

Intimacy is what she strives.

Body mind and soul demolished, her skin begins to wrinkle and her eyes begin to lose her light

Watching her own being, sitting in the corner.

What is a woman if women is not loving herself

Forced to sacrifice her dignity so she could feel love from another.

Constantly passing her heart in a gold box, to the first tom dick and harry that touches her in the right way.

Never realising that he throws away the case and leaves your heart on the floor, watching him as he abuses your soul.

Her thoughts and dreams being raped by the man she invited into her home, her head her heart

A friend she proclaimed had taken his hand and covered her mouth as he forced himself on her.

Watching the time and waiting for it to be over, minuet after minuet second after agonising second

Again she sits in the corner, heart reducing speed, blood starting to come to a stand still

Destroyed, fallen angelic being, defiled, abused, used and left to rot in her own stench of so called failure.

Her complicated and complex mind unappreciated, what choice does she have but to submit

Mind numbing intelligence she bares within her body, running through her veins a sense of power


Brutally robbed on the harsh streets of her mind.

She shouts at herself sitting in the corner slumped, struggling to breath

Get up and be who you are, take back what is rightfully yours.

Reaches out her hand to her broken self and she stands, body curvaceous vivacious and plump

Not to let another man take a slice without giving a quarter

Breaking out of her own cage in her mind and telling of her God given knowledge

Fear no evil, see no evil, because evil is the captivation of the mind she once compromised

Spark in her eyes, spring in her step, beauty in her smile.

She stands and looks at her reflection in the mirror only to see what I see.

I see me.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

A Woman's Reason

A Woman’s Reason

By Yashi Woodburn

Jan 2010

You convinced yourself that he was the reason

But what reason is he if your answer is pain

Why suffer in the hands of a man who would oppress you

Should he not vow to help you progress

Bring you success in your life

Comfort and love you as his wife

Never understating the words I love you.

He understands your bad days and lets you know it’s alright

So why follow the man who throws you of track

Makes you lose sight?

Are you a fool?

Or do we follow what we know

Complain no man is good enough

Yet we have never accepted a good man.

Expectations are for those with good decisions

Your decision your problem

So why convince yourself he is the reason

You are merely a number on his bed post

You consciously agreed to the lowering of your worth

Willingly accepted to be treated like dirt

So how is it his fault?

It takes two to tango

And you danced with the devil

How can he appreciate you?

When you do not appreciate yourself?

Love each curve, crease and mark on your body

Understand each flaw and embrace it with open arms

Know your decisions are your decisions

Be head strong and overcome the obstacles in life

And then, only then can you be classified as a woman,

For a woman knows what she wants and gets it

She fears no man, nor hides her true self

She sacrifices and compromises

Becoming a role model to her family

She loves hard but does not break easy

A woman understands a good man

And doesn’t try to change a bad man

She struggles through life

So her daughter can be appreciated

And never suffer from the hand of a bad man

She is the soul of the world

The understated leader and the ultimate power

Within her she holds life in her arms

With each hair placed on her head where it is supposed to be

Eyes so powerful she could destroy nations

Strong like the power of the ocean

Vengeful like the heat of fire

Calm like the touch of air upon your skin

And tough like the earth we live on.

A woman knows she is a woman.

And no one can dismiss her as a woman.

So ask yourself, is he really the reason.

Mentality over age Part 2

OK first and foremost thanks for the feedback on my first blog its much appreciated. I know some people agreed and are waiting for me to categorize the female race so Here it IS...

Just like boys, girls are not women until proven otherwise, I can not honestly sit here and say I am most definitely a women, because I know I'm not, but I am a hell of a lot closer than these walking vaginas!

This topic is close to heart, because these humans are the reason why so many boys are GAS MARK 9 (thanks MissVexy for that one lol) You need to stop with this whole My man needs to buy me this, my man needs to be in the whip, he needs to have that job, he needs to do everything...

PAUSE bitches... Are you even doing any of the above? do you have a car or is your car first name card last name oyster? Are you buying your man shit? have you even got a job or are you just leaching of the government?

Get yourself in check before you start making demands.. This is what seperates the Girls to the Women.

I've herd females state "I'm a Real Women, this is why I got him like that".. First of all You got him that way cause he ain't no real man, which also means you ain't no real women. SO stop sit down and read a book.

Right my Catogories for the female Race

The Runabout: This girl is equivalent to the Absolute moron, in fact that's your man, The Absolute moron is right up your alley. There is no ambition for yourself just for what others can give you, your not quite a gold digger cause your not smart enough to even get a boy that has enough money to support that habit, to even look your way. You have a distinct look, people can sense the level of maturity from a mile away, hence why all your friends are exactly the same as you.

The Copycat: This girls main ambition is what ever the crowd tells her it should be, If her friends dating someone 6 years older she will be in the club the next day trying to find herself an older man. She's what I call the Nicki Minaj Bandwagon (even though I have nothing against my girl Nicki, she knows how to get girls Gassed) Nothing this girl does is original, she must always copy someone else. This is the girl that goes extra with the make up, weave, nails, even Bum pads. IF she's got it she flaunts it and leaves nothing to the imagination. She rarely has a relationship, Boys just fuck and duck this one, she looks distinctive. Miss over the top everything.

Miss He must buy me everything (the Golddigger): I don't even think i need to explain this one. She's smart, no doubt but her common sense is off the radar. She honestly believes that a man must tick all her material boxes on her check-list and the worst thing is that she will find a man that will give it to her. However, her body is used out, she is more like an overpaid prostitute. She is the girl you call stoosh, you call her over and she inspects your whole outfit, No designer, No number. This girl will only self destruct because once she has everything she will wont nothing more than a man to show her a little time and respect, for she is like a repelant to the Real Men out there. She Trapped herself in a life full of problems.

The Young women: This young women, is the one who knows herself a little better than the others, she is not fully a women yet, but she still has the potential to be with a real man. She can spot the good from the bad, the worthy from the unworthy. This does not mean that she does not come without problems, she is easily hurt and has a big heart. At times she dresses for attention and other times she doesn't even bother. She has mapped her life out, she knows what she wants to be and who is going to be around her when it happens. Still being immature she sometimes gets distracted but she gets looked over because of the Gold-diggers and the copycat have more "sexual" appeal. This sometimes means she grows into a bitter women. This girl causes more emotional problems than the others, because of the paranoia of the other girls and dealing with boys.

The real Women: She should be everything you aspire to be, Has a Career (not a job), she has worked hard to earn her own and she shows pride in everything she does. Her relationships are usually long lasting but if they end, she goes into a new one with a clean slate. She does not give the boys time of day because she knows she can't change them, they have to want to change for her. She still has her emotional problems but keeps them out of the light. Her priority is herself and her family NOT finding a man. She is even more sexy than the gold-diggers and the copycat, without even trying. The most intelligent of the bunch the description of a real women is constantly changing. But the fact still remains the same that she Does not speak when spoken to, she speaks because she wants to, knows when to walk away and when to fight. Strong minded but vulnerable enough to be in a relationship. A real woman is all about balance. A real Women Does not tell someone she is a Real women. They just Know.

Now i know the categorise for girls can go on from here to the moon, but these are the most common in our day and age of the mentality of most girls.

There seems to be this thought of "if he can do it then so can i" in some cases i would agree, but when it comes to your body if you are going to sex then be smart.

Lets face it Boys are not that discrete and neither are your girls, If you had that good loving be careful who you tell. Your sex life is YOUR sex life, stop inviting people to look around and take a seat to your self destruction.
The fact is we as women can not go and "fuck" 3 man in one week like a boy would do and get a way with still being called a decent girl.

Friends with Benifits: If you are going to establish this relationship with someone, then you need to make sure that the only feeling your are getting is in your vajay jay. You and i both know there is an unspoken agreement to the terms of friends with benefits. YOU are FRIENDS with BENEFITS. You are not his girl. If you was smart enough to discuss this factor before jumping into bed then fair enough.

Sometimes it can lead to a relationship but it is still best to set yourself ground rules. If you start catching feelings. Its time to cut it off. If he is not on the same page as you then you need to walk away and find yourself someone who will give you what you are looking for.

I hear so many people complain about this. You knew what you got yourself into so you can deal with the consequences that go along with them.

Girls need to stop dumbing themselves down, your actually just ruining the reputation for yourself. When its time for you to settle down realistically who is going to want some used out girl?

My main thing about this Is Know yourself and i mean really know yourself, know why you cry, what hurts you what makes you smile. We are the most emotional creatures on the planet and we have the power to use that to our advantage but right now we are not using the gift that God gave us.

We are more important than people like to let you know, so value yourself and respect yourself and please stop shortening your words. You have a dictionary speak English.

Peace out A-town Down...

Oh read my poem on real women in the next blog post....

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Mentality over age

So, I've had many a discussion with my friends (both male and female) about what classifies someone as a real Man and a real Woman.

A lot of boys have argued with me because I simply state "You are not a man until proven otherwise, you are merely just a child in man's clothing."

My categories of maturity

Absolute Moron: The lowest of the lowest, your intelligence and common sense is so low that you actually think that the best ambition is shottin weed. You have no respect for anyone not even your mother and you don't even understand words like Audacity when you are 18. You are simply what it states an Absolute Moron.

The Child: Your mentality hasn't even developed into a boy, your not even childish in a fun way, your just a child, you believe you must be babied, don't know how to cook for yourself, clean for yourself, you don't even make your own bed. Your the boy who still thinks women should do everything for you even though you have nothing to offer and complain when you get girls that want everything you cant give.

The boy: Your the standard bunch, you dip in and out of the child and the real man, but your mainly in-between. Your intelligent but you lack common sense and individuality. Your mentality is based of what your friends do and you still believe that your reputation in the streets, school, college and uni is more important than anything else. You are the undisputed people pleaser, and you genuinely don't know who you are.

The Man: Being a man consists of being Who you want to be, not who your friends want you to be he is responsible, intelligent and has common sense, he is ambitious and refuses to be less than what he can be. He knows what his morals are and does not follow the crowd to fit in He stands out. A man is a leader not a follower and he works for what he never had, which means he believes in delayed gratification (which means not buying that gucci belt with your student loan so you can fit in. You have no swagger Your just a fool in a really expensive belt)
A man is everything and Nothing at the same time, he should know when to back down and when to stand up. He would know when to fight and when to walk away because his life is more valuable than his street Credibility.A man does not use the terms wifey, wifey season, link.
A real man Only talks to Real Woman.

Now a certain someone stayed up until 6 in the morning to debate about this with me and i must admit i got tired and gave in (I know be disappointed in me) BUT I have a comeback due to recent events at this place I call home.

You see I've noticed that boys seem to have this foolish pride factor and a desperate need to impress your so called friends, thus making you act like a fool, and have the same childish and predictable mentality of someone who is 15.

They claim there is no one else like them, yet i can see several clones of the same person, and this is cause you follow trends more than women follow fashion, you seem to have this fear of being different just because your "boys" ain't feeling it. * I find this to be COCKADODILE* what happened to "i don't care what no one thinks I am who I am"? All liars and pretenders.

The simple fact is that in the eyes of law are you classified a man, but in the eyes of an individual your still just a boy. Being a Man or a woman is based on your mentality not your age and lets face it no one actually acts the way their age dictates.

EXAMPLE: Me and a friend decided lets go to a drink up in one of our uni dorms, hadn't been there an hour before something popped of, Now I could've kinda maybe sorta understood if it popped of between first years... BUT THE CHEEK SECOND YEARS soo ages of 22-23 throwing fireworks at people, mainly first years....

Maybe I'm old fashioned but there is a serious error in this persons life?? what it wrong with you? but these are the same DICKHEADS who are so loud and proud to preach about being a man, but a real man wouldn't be trying to purposely hurt people, male and female.. Not only that but you had people hostage in a house, broke down their front door and dashed fireworks in the building!!!!

THEY even had the cheek to purposely set of the fire alarm so people would leave their rooms and get attacked by fireworks..

THAT SHIT IS DANGEROUS I honest to GOD do not comprehend the level of stupidity that must run through the brain of someone like that??? But yet again you preach manhood.

Mentality over age!

Girls haven't you had that one friend who went out with a 26 year old when they was like 18 (foolishness if you ask me) and he acts more like a bitch than someone your own age..

It all applies.

SO BOYS be a man and Grow UP take responsibility and stop getting on my nerves, it would be much appreciated =]