Saturday, 6 November 2010

Mentality over age Part 2

OK first and foremost thanks for the feedback on my first blog its much appreciated. I know some people agreed and are waiting for me to categorize the female race so Here it IS...

Just like boys, girls are not women until proven otherwise, I can not honestly sit here and say I am most definitely a women, because I know I'm not, but I am a hell of a lot closer than these walking vaginas!

This topic is close to heart, because these humans are the reason why so many boys are GAS MARK 9 (thanks MissVexy for that one lol) You need to stop with this whole My man needs to buy me this, my man needs to be in the whip, he needs to have that job, he needs to do everything...

PAUSE bitches... Are you even doing any of the above? do you have a car or is your car first name card last name oyster? Are you buying your man shit? have you even got a job or are you just leaching of the government?

Get yourself in check before you start making demands.. This is what seperates the Girls to the Women.

I've herd females state "I'm a Real Women, this is why I got him like that".. First of all You got him that way cause he ain't no real man, which also means you ain't no real women. SO stop sit down and read a book.

Right my Catogories for the female Race

The Runabout: This girl is equivalent to the Absolute moron, in fact that's your man, The Absolute moron is right up your alley. There is no ambition for yourself just for what others can give you, your not quite a gold digger cause your not smart enough to even get a boy that has enough money to support that habit, to even look your way. You have a distinct look, people can sense the level of maturity from a mile away, hence why all your friends are exactly the same as you.

The Copycat: This girls main ambition is what ever the crowd tells her it should be, If her friends dating someone 6 years older she will be in the club the next day trying to find herself an older man. She's what I call the Nicki Minaj Bandwagon (even though I have nothing against my girl Nicki, she knows how to get girls Gassed) Nothing this girl does is original, she must always copy someone else. This is the girl that goes extra with the make up, weave, nails, even Bum pads. IF she's got it she flaunts it and leaves nothing to the imagination. She rarely has a relationship, Boys just fuck and duck this one, she looks distinctive. Miss over the top everything.

Miss He must buy me everything (the Golddigger): I don't even think i need to explain this one. She's smart, no doubt but her common sense is off the radar. She honestly believes that a man must tick all her material boxes on her check-list and the worst thing is that she will find a man that will give it to her. However, her body is used out, she is more like an overpaid prostitute. She is the girl you call stoosh, you call her over and she inspects your whole outfit, No designer, No number. This girl will only self destruct because once she has everything she will wont nothing more than a man to show her a little time and respect, for she is like a repelant to the Real Men out there. She Trapped herself in a life full of problems.

The Young women: This young women, is the one who knows herself a little better than the others, she is not fully a women yet, but she still has the potential to be with a real man. She can spot the good from the bad, the worthy from the unworthy. This does not mean that she does not come without problems, she is easily hurt and has a big heart. At times she dresses for attention and other times she doesn't even bother. She has mapped her life out, she knows what she wants to be and who is going to be around her when it happens. Still being immature she sometimes gets distracted but she gets looked over because of the Gold-diggers and the copycat have more "sexual" appeal. This sometimes means she grows into a bitter women. This girl causes more emotional problems than the others, because of the paranoia of the other girls and dealing with boys.

The real Women: She should be everything you aspire to be, Has a Career (not a job), she has worked hard to earn her own and she shows pride in everything she does. Her relationships are usually long lasting but if they end, she goes into a new one with a clean slate. She does not give the boys time of day because she knows she can't change them, they have to want to change for her. She still has her emotional problems but keeps them out of the light. Her priority is herself and her family NOT finding a man. She is even more sexy than the gold-diggers and the copycat, without even trying. The most intelligent of the bunch the description of a real women is constantly changing. But the fact still remains the same that she Does not speak when spoken to, she speaks because she wants to, knows when to walk away and when to fight. Strong minded but vulnerable enough to be in a relationship. A real woman is all about balance. A real Women Does not tell someone she is a Real women. They just Know.

Now i know the categorise for girls can go on from here to the moon, but these are the most common in our day and age of the mentality of most girls.

There seems to be this thought of "if he can do it then so can i" in some cases i would agree, but when it comes to your body if you are going to sex then be smart.

Lets face it Boys are not that discrete and neither are your girls, If you had that good loving be careful who you tell. Your sex life is YOUR sex life, stop inviting people to look around and take a seat to your self destruction.
The fact is we as women can not go and "fuck" 3 man in one week like a boy would do and get a way with still being called a decent girl.

Friends with Benifits: If you are going to establish this relationship with someone, then you need to make sure that the only feeling your are getting is in your vajay jay. You and i both know there is an unspoken agreement to the terms of friends with benefits. YOU are FRIENDS with BENEFITS. You are not his girl. If you was smart enough to discuss this factor before jumping into bed then fair enough.

Sometimes it can lead to a relationship but it is still best to set yourself ground rules. If you start catching feelings. Its time to cut it off. If he is not on the same page as you then you need to walk away and find yourself someone who will give you what you are looking for.

I hear so many people complain about this. You knew what you got yourself into so you can deal with the consequences that go along with them.

Girls need to stop dumbing themselves down, your actually just ruining the reputation for yourself. When its time for you to settle down realistically who is going to want some used out girl?

My main thing about this Is Know yourself and i mean really know yourself, know why you cry, what hurts you what makes you smile. We are the most emotional creatures on the planet and we have the power to use that to our advantage but right now we are not using the gift that God gave us.

We are more important than people like to let you know, so value yourself and respect yourself and please stop shortening your words. You have a dictionary speak English.

Peace out A-town Down...

Oh read my poem on real women in the next blog post....

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